Closantel Sodium


Molecular Formula: C22H14Cl2I2N2O2
CAS Number: 57808-65
Specification: BP Vet/ACS/AR
Appearance: Pale yellow amorphous powder


Closantel is a synthetic anti parasitic agent which is highly effective against liver fluke, bloodsucking nematodes and larval stages of some arthropods in sheep and cattle. Closantel decouples the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, which leads to the inhibition of ATP synthesis. That causes a significant change in the energy metabolism, and as a consequence the death of the parasite. Cloxacillin sodium is a semi-synthetic antibiotic that is a chlorinated derivative of OXACILLIN. Cloxacillin Sodium is the sodium salt of cloxaclliin, a semisynthetic beta-lactamase resistant penicillin antibiotic with antibacterial activity.


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