

Molecular Formula: C54H90N6O18
CAS Number: 2001-95-8
Appearance: White solid


Valinomycin is a natural antibiotic from Streptomyces and is depsipeptide-that is,it consists of alternating hydroxy and amino acids. Acts as a potassium (K ) ionophore. Induces K conductivity in cell membranes.Many studies showed that valinomycin dissipates essential transmembrane electrochemical gradients causing tremendous metabolic upheaval in many organisms including microorganisms. It is for this reason that valinomycin was recognized as an antibiotic long before it was identified as an ionophore. Currently several ionophores are added to animal feed as antibiotics and growth enhancing additives. Recently valinomycin has been reported to be the most potent agent against SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory-syndrome coronavirus), a severe form of pneumonia first identified in 2003.


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